
Showing posts from December, 2020


 WHAT IS NGO? A non-governmental organization(NGO) is a community of non-profits that exists independently of any government. NGOs, also referred to as civil societies, are organized at the community, national and international levels to fulfil a social or political purpose, such as humanitarian or environmental causes. HOW DO NGOs HELPS THE POOR? The  general  goal  of  NGOs   is  to  reduce  poverty  by  acts  that  facilitate  capacity  building  and  self-reliance.  Langran  (2002)  noted  that  NGOs  help  to   maintain  community  development  by  capacity  building  to  assist the  government   in  providing  vital  social  amenities. NGOs WHO FIGHT POVERTY:


Disclaimer: There are no intentions to mock or praise any country in this world, just to give a clear vision about the actual situation of this issue.              Why poverty might not be stopped? Is it because of a lack of sources? Or the poor not clearly state their needs at all? The answer is, NO.   Do you know that approximately The U.S.A war fund is approximately $721.5 billion and still there are at least half of million people in that country are homeless, according to National Alliance to End Homelessness. Why the government can fund for war but can not feed the poor? The answer is simple. If the poor can give benefits to them like power, money, or possession, surely the fund to win over poverty will be higher than the fund to win the war. This statement might not be the 100% true, but this might be one of the reasons why we still can't win over poverty. Besides, there is nearly 38000 war veteran that are homeless and suffering...

Why We Need to Cut Poverty ?

Hello everyone!!! Did you know, there are several reasons why we need to CUT POVERTY🤔 Let us take a look🧐

Types of Poverty

Do you know that poverty is divided into several groups?  Check out this post for further information 🥰

Share the love !!

I’m so happy when I read positive news about Africa. Share the love for this beautiful continent! Currently, 64% of the Sahel’s population – covering Senegal, Nigeria, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea – lives without electricity, a major barrier to development, with consequences for education, health and business. African Development Bank (AfDB) has embarked on a highly ambitious solar project to make Africa a renewable power-house, titled “Desert to Power (DtP) Initiative”. The Initiative aims to develop and provide 10 GW of solar energy by 2025 and supply 250 million people with green electricity including in some of the world’s poorest countries. At least 90 million people will be connected to electricity for the first time, lifting them out of energy poverty. Source: Inter Press Service


EMERGENCY SUPPORT IN SHORT TERM Zakat  can be an essential component of national and NGO emergency support programmes. Donors usually demand that Zakat be disbursed within one year of being issued. For crisis management, this emphasis on immediate benefits is well suited. Donors from Zakat are   helping both the vulnerable and the economically disadvantaged, which is an increased need in the pandemic . Cash transfers are also provided by Zakat donors, which can be particularly important in emergencies. RESPONSE AND RECOVERY IN MEDIUM TERM The  financing  of  machinery,  automobiles  and  other  sources  of  livelihood  and  trade  finance  are  main    mechanisms  by  which  recovery  can  be  sponsored  by  Islamic  banks  and  financial  institutions.  For    Islamic  banks,  aligning  their  funding...